It's hard to believe that we are a species pleased by a giant ogre running his spongy claws all over an escaped female slaves scantily clad body. I picture large peeping toms absorbed by their sofas, shifting their weight & stains grotesquely as they watch programs such as these. Or twig men, all veins and cigarettes, knees clanking together, molding slippers kicked anxiously to the side. More than likely it's your dad, or Frank the friendly neighbor, fantasizing about the forest sorcerer in her glittery pink rain of sparkly VFX nightmares. These are the things I have to ponder when I find myself wide awake and grumpy at 6am.In other news, I'm drinking yerba mate and listening to American Doll Posse. I'm almost certain that someone is watching me through the French doors from every single window across the street. I must channel this horrifying energy & complete the painting I started the other day:WIP: Oil on wood panel.
13.5" x 10.5"